Use a Havana map

The names of many streets have changed over time, but many locals use the old familiar names.

For example, you will hear them say Galiano but if you glance up at the buildings themselves, you will see Avenida de Italia has been carved upon them.

If you use a Havana map, you'll have less confusion about street names.

Carry a map of the city that shows both street names

tourist map of havana

Reina was renamed Avenida Simon Bolivar 

Carlos III was renamed Avenida Salvador Allende 

Belascoain was renamed Padre Varela 

Monte was renamed Maximo Gomez 

Zulueta was renamed Agramonte 

Malecon was renamed Avenida Antonio Maceo 

Vives was renamed Avenida de Espana 

Galiano was renamed Avenida de Italia 

Teniente Rey was renamed Brasil 

Paseo del Prado was renamed Paseo de Marti 

A few years back it was difficult to find a map of Havana but now the tourist kiosks in Old Havana, and many better hotels, sell large fold-out maps for a reasonable price.

You will find these invaluable in making your way through the winding streets.

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